Photo Ops and Autographs
You can pre-purchase Autographs for select Guests appearing at Los Angeles Comic Con by clicking the link below. Once you’ve purchased your Autograph, you can bring your ticket directly to the Guest’s table in Autograph Alley to redeem.
If someone is not pre-selling their Autograph, that means those Autographs will only be available to purchase onsite at that specific Guest's signing table.
Photo Ops
You can pre-purchase Photo Ops for select Guests appearing at Los Angeles Comic Con by clicking the link below. You can have up to 4 individuals per Photo Op ticket (not counting the Guest).
You can bring your ticket directly to the Photo Op Booth during the designated hours to redeem.
Autograph Send-in Services
Interested in getting an autograph from your favorite Guest but can’t attend the show? We've partnered up with SWAU, the premier autograph collecting destination in the world to offer send-in services for a variety of different Guests across Los Angeles Comic Con.